
Parking lot at the regatta tower & grandstand

The most frequently visited Baldeneysee parking lot is located directly next to the regatta grandstand and the regatta tower. The following can be reached quickly from here: the jetty Hügel for the White Fleet Baldeney, Flottes Büdchen, Villa Hügel, Parkhaus Hügel, Hügoloss, Südtiroler Stuben, boathouse, weir as well as a public toilet and the Regattahaus.

Access to sports clubs and boathouses

Opposite the parking lot is the ETUF sports club, which has its own (gravel) visitor parking lot on Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße opposite house number 209. When the weather is nice, you can also find an ice cream van here. Other sports clubs that can be reached via the regatta parking lot: the Ruderklub am Baldeneysee e.V. (RAB for short), the Kanusport- Gemeinschaft Essen e.V. (KG Essen or KGE for short), the boathouse of the Mark rowing team of the Helmholtz-Gymnasium and the rowing house of the Burggymnasium.
