
Restaurant overview

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Südtiroler Stuben

"When I see the lake, I don't need the sea anymore."

mapMarkerGrey Freiherr-vom-stein Str. 280a, ...
mapMarkerGrey Baldeney 33, 45134 Essen...

Villa Vue

"Villa with a view"

mapMarkerGrey Weg zur Platte 73, 45239 Essen...


Beer garden & restaurant in the old Prussian train station

mapMarkerGrey Prinz-Friedrich-Platz 1, 45257...

Parkhaus Hügel

Idyllically situated below the Villa Hügel

mapMarkerGrey Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 209,...


Restaurant - Beer garden - Café

mapMarkerGrey Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 211a, ...